

在上一个例子中,我们展示了我们可以随意引发程序失败。如果我们喝含糖柠檬水,我们会告诉程序 panic 。但是,如果我们希望喝点饮料但没有收到怎么办?这种情况同样糟糕,所以必须处理!

我们可以像测试柠檬水一样针对空字符串 ( "" ) 进行测试。由于我们使用 Rust,所以让编译器指出没有饮料的情况。

当可能缺席时,使用 std 库中名为 Option<T>enum 。它表现为两个“选项”之一:

  • Some(T) :找到 T 类型的元素
  • None :未找到元素

这些情况可以通过 match 显式处理,也可以使用 unwrap 隐式处理。隐式处理将返回内部元素或 panic 。

请注意,可以使用expect手动自定义 panic ,但是 unwrap 否则会给我们留下比显式处理更有意义的输出。在以下示例中,显式处理会产生更受控制的结果,同时保留 panic 选项(如果需要)。

// The adult has seen it all, and can handle any drink well.
// All drinks are handled explicitly using `match`.
fn give_adult(drink: Option<&str>) {
// Specify a course of action for each case.
match drink {
Some("lemonade") => println!("Yuck! Too sugary."),
Some(inner) => println!("{}? How nice.", inner),
None => println!("No drink? Oh well."),

// Others will `panic` before drinking sugary drinks.
// All drinks are handled implicitly using `unwrap`.
fn drink(drink: Option<&str>) {
// `unwrap` returns a `panic` when it receives a `None`.
let inside = drink.unwrap();
if inside == "lemonade" { panic!("AAAaaaaa!!!!"); }

println!("I love {}s!!!!!", inside);

fn main() {
let water = Some("water");
let lemonade = Some("lemonade");
let void = None;


let coffee = Some("coffee");
let nothing = None;


使用 ? 解压选项

您可以使用 match 语句来解压 Option ,但使用 ? 运算符通常更容易。如果 x 是 Option ,那么如果 x 是 Some ,则评估 x? 将返回基础值,否则它将终止正在执行的任何函数并返回 None 。

fn next_birthday(current_age: Option<u8>) -> Option<String> {
// If `current_age` is `None`, this returns `None`.
// If `current_age` is `Some`, the inner `u8` value + 1
// gets assigned to `next_age`
let next_age: u8 = current_age? + 1;
Some(format!("Next year I will be {}", next_age))

您可以将多个 ? 链接在一起以使代码更具可读性。

struct Person {
job: Option<Job>,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Job {
phone_number: Option<PhoneNumber>,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct PhoneNumber {
area_code: Option<u8>,
number: u32,

impl Person {

// Gets the area code of the phone number of the person's job, if it exists.
fn work_phone_area_code(&self) -> Option<u8> {
// This would need many nested `match` statements without the `?` operator.
// It would take a lot more code - try writing it yourself and see which
// is easier.

fn main() {
let p = Person {
job: Some(Job {
phone_number: Some(PhoneNumber {
area_code: Some(61),
number: 439222222,

assert_eq!(p.work_phone_area_code(), Some(61));

组合符: map

match 是处理 Option 的有效方法。但是,您最终可能会发现大量使用很乏味,尤其是仅对输入有效的操作。在这些情况下,组合器可用于以模块化方式管理控制流。

Option 有一个名为 map() 的内置方法,它是 Some -> Some 和 None -> None 简单映射的组合器。多个 map() 调用可以链接在一起以获得更大的灵活性。

在以下示例中, process() 替换其之前的所有函数,同时保持紧凑。


#[derive(Debug)] enum Food { Apple, Carrot, Potato }

#[derive(Debug)] struct Peeled(Food);
#[derive(Debug)] struct Chopped(Food);
#[derive(Debug)] struct Cooked(Food);

// Peeling food. If there isn't any, then return `None`.
// Otherwise, return the peeled food.
fn peel(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Peeled> {
match food {
Some(food) => Some(Peeled(food)),
None => None,

// Chopping food. If there isn't any, then return `None`.
// Otherwise, return the chopped food.
fn chop(peeled: Option<Peeled>) -> Option<Chopped> {
match peeled {
Some(Peeled(food)) => Some(Chopped(food)),
None => None,

// Cooking food. Here, we showcase `map()` instead of `match` for case handling.
fn cook(chopped: Option<Chopped>) -> Option<Cooked> {
chopped.map(|Chopped(food)| Cooked(food))

// A function to peel, chop, and cook food all in sequence.
// We chain multiple uses of `map()` to simplify the code.
fn process(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Cooked> {
food.map(|f| Peeled(f))
.map(|Peeled(f)| Chopped(f))
.map(|Chopped(f)| Cooked(f))

// Check whether there's food or not before trying to eat it!
fn eat(food: Option<Cooked>) {
match food {
Some(food) => println!("Mmm. I love {:?}", food),
None => println!("Oh no! It wasn't edible."),

fn main() {
let apple = Some(Food::Apple);
let carrot = Some(Food::Carrot);
let potato = None;

let cooked_apple = cook(chop(peel(apple)));
let cooked_carrot = cook(chop(peel(carrot)));
// Let's try the simpler looking `process()` now.
let cooked_potato = process(potato);


组合符: and_then

map() 被描述为简化 match 语句的可链接方式。但是,在返回 Option<T> 的函数上使用 map() 会导致嵌套 Option<Option<T>> 。将多个调用链接在一起可能会变得混乱。这就是另一个名为 and_then() 的组合器(在某些语言中称为 flatmap)的用武之地。

and_then() 使用包装值调用其函数输入并返回结果。如果 Option 是 None ,则返回 None 。

在以下示例中, cookable_v3() 生成 Option<Food> 。使用 map() 而不是 and_then() 会给出 Option<Option<Food>> ,这对于 eat() 来说是无效类型。


#[derive(Debug)] enum Food { CordonBleu, Steak, Sushi }
#[derive(Debug)] enum Day { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday }

// We don't have the ingredients to make Sushi.
fn have_ingredients(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {
match food {
Food::Sushi => None,
_ => Some(food),

// We have the recipe for everything except Cordon Bleu.
fn have_recipe(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {
match food {
Food::CordonBleu => None,
_ => Some(food),

// To make a dish, we need both the recipe and the ingredients.
// We can represent the logic with a chain of `match`es:
fn cookable_v1(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {
match have_recipe(food) {
None => None,
Some(food) => have_ingredients(food),

// This can conveniently be rewritten more compactly with `and_then()`:
fn cookable_v3(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {

// Otherwise we'd need to `flatten()` an `Option<Option<Food>>`
// to get an `Option<Food>`:
fn cookable_v2(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {

fn eat(food: Food, day: Day) {
match cookable_v3(food) {
Some(food) => println!("Yay! On {:?} we get to eat {:?}.", day, food),
None => println!("Oh no. We don't get to eat on {:?}?", day),

fn main() {
let (cordon_bleu, steak, sushi) = (Food::CordonBleu, Food::Steak, Food::Sushi);

eat(cordon_bleu, Day::Monday);
eat(steak, Day::Tuesday);
eat(sushi, Day::Wednesday);

解压选项和默认值 Defaults: or, or_else, get_or_insert, get_or_insert_with

有不止一种方法可以解压 Option 并使用默认值(如果它是 None )。为了选择满足我们需求的一种,我们需要考虑以下因素:

我们需要急切的评估还是惰性的评估? 我们是否需要保持原来的空值不变,或者修改它?

or() 可链接,急切求值,保持空值完整

or() 是可链接的,并急切地评估其参数,如以下示例所示。请注意,由于 or 的参数会立即求值,因此传递给 or 的变量会被移动。

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
let apple = Some(Fruit::Apple);
let orange = Some(Fruit::Orange);
let no_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;

let first_available_fruit = no_fruit.or(orange).or(apple);
println!("first_available_fruit: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
// first_available_fruit: Some(Orange)

// `or` moves its argument.
// In the example above, `or(orange)` returned a `Some`, so `or(apple)` was not invoked.
// But the variable named `apple` has been moved regardless, and cannot be used anymore.
// println!("Variable apple was moved, so this line won't compile: {:?}", apple);
// TODO: uncomment the line above to see the compiler error

or_else() 可链接,延迟计算,保持空值完整

另一种替代方法是使用 or_else ,它也是可链接的,并且延迟计算,如以下示例所示:

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
let no_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;
let get_kiwi_as_fallback = || {
println!("Providing kiwi as fallback");
let get_lemon_as_fallback = || {
println!("Providing lemon as fallback");

let first_available_fruit = no_fruit
println!("first_available_fruit: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
// Providing kiwi as fallback
// first_available_fruit: Some(Kiwi)

get_or_insert() 急切地求值,就地修改空值

为了确保 Option 包含一个值,我们可以使用 get_or_insert 使用后备值来修改它,如以下示例所示。请注意, get_or_insert 急切地计算其参数,因此变量 apple 被移动:

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
let mut my_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;
let apple = Fruit::Apple;
let first_available_fruit = my_fruit.get_or_insert(apple);
println!("first_available_fruit is: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
println!("my_fruit is: {:?}", my_fruit);
// first_available_fruit is: Apple
// my_fruit is: Some(Apple)
//println!("Variable named `apple` is moved: {:?}", apple);
// TODO: uncomment the line above to see the compiler error

get_or_insert_with() 延迟计算,就地修改空值

我们可以将一个闭包传递给 get_or_insert_with ,而不是显式地提供一个可依赖的值,如下所示:

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
let mut my_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;
let get_lemon_as_fallback = || {
println!("Providing lemon as fallback");
let first_available_fruit = my_fruit
println!("first_available_fruit is: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
println!("my_fruit is: {:?}", my_fruit);
// Providing lemon as fallback
// first_available_fruit is: Lemon
// my_fruit is: Some(Lemon)

// If the Option has a value, it is left unchanged, and the closure is not invoked
let mut my_apple = Some(Fruit::Apple);
let should_be_apple = my_apple.get_or_insert_with(get_lemon_as_fallback);
println!("should_be_apple is: {:?}", should_be_apple);
println!("my_apple is unchanged: {:?}", my_apple);
// The output is a follows. Note that the closure `get_lemon_as_fallback` is not invoked
// should_be_apple is: Apple
// my_apple is unchanged: Some(Apple)
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