

函数使用 fn 关键字声明。它的参数带有类型注释,就像变量一样,并且,如果函数返回值,则必须在箭头 -> 之后指定返回类型。

函数中的最终表达式将用作返回值。或者, return 语句可用于从函数内部(甚至从内部循环或 if 语句)返回较早的值。

// Unlike C/C++, there's no restriction on the order of function definitions
fn main() {
// We can use this function here, and define it somewhere later

// Function that returns a boolean value
fn is_divisible_by(lhs: u32, rhs: u32) -> bool {
// Corner case, early return
if rhs == 0 {
return false;

// This is an expression, the `return` keyword is not necessary here
lhs % rhs == 0

// Functions that "don't" return a value, actually return the unit type `()`
fn fizzbuzz(n: u32) -> () {
if is_divisible_by(n, 15) {
} else if is_divisible_by(n, 3) {
} else if is_divisible_by(n, 5) {
} else {
println!("{}", n);

// When a function returns `()`, the return type can be omitted from the
// signature
fn fizzbuzz_to(n: u32) {
for n in 1..=n {



struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64,

// Implementation block, all `Point` associated functions & methods go in here
impl Point {
// This is an "associated function" because this function is associated with
// a particular type, that is, Point.
// Associated functions don't need to be called with an instance.
// These functions are generally used like constructors.
fn origin() -> Point {
Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }

// Another associated function, taking two arguments:
fn new(x: f64, y: f64) -> Point {
Point { x: x, y: y }

struct Rectangle {
p1: Point,
p2: Point,

impl Rectangle {
// This is a method
// `&self` is sugar for `self: &Self`, where `Self` is the type of the
// caller object. In this case `Self` = `Rectangle`
fn area(&self) -> f64 {
// `self` gives access to the struct fields via the dot operator
let Point { x: x1, y: y1 } = self.p1;
let Point { x: x2, y: y2 } = self.p2;

// `abs` is a `f64` method that returns the absolute value of the
// caller
((x1 - x2) * (y1 - y2)).abs()

fn perimeter(&self) -> f64 {
let Point { x: x1, y: y1 } = self.p1;
let Point { x: x2, y: y2 } = self.p2;

2.0 * ((x1 - x2).abs() + (y1 - y2).abs())

// This method requires the caller object to be mutable
// `&mut self` desugars to `self: &mut Self`
fn translate(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
self.p1.x += x;
self.p2.x += x;

self.p1.y += y;
self.p2.y += y;

// `Pair` owns resources: two heap allocated integers
struct Pair(Box<i32>, Box<i32>);

impl Pair {
// This method "consumes" the resources of the caller object
// `self` desugars to `self: Self`
fn destroy(self) {
// Destructure `self`
let Pair(first, second) = self;

println!("Destroying Pair({}, {})", first, second);

// `first` and `second` go out of scope and get freed

fn main() {
let rectangle = Rectangle {
// Associated functions are called using double colons
p1: Point::origin(),
p2: Point::new(3.0, 4.0),

// Methods are called using the dot operator
// Note that the first argument `&self` is implicitly passed, i.e.
// `rectangle.perimeter()` === `Rectangle::perimeter(&rectangle)`
println!("Rectangle perimeter: {}", rectangle.perimeter());
println!("Rectangle area: {}", rectangle.area());

let mut square = Rectangle {
p1: Point::origin(),
p2: Point::new(1.0, 1.0),

// Error! `rectangle` is immutable, but this method requires a mutable
// object
//rectangle.translate(1.0, 0.0);
// TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

// Okay! Mutable objects can call mutable methods
square.translate(1.0, 1.0);

let pair = Pair(Box::new(1), Box::new(2));


// Error! Previous `destroy` call "consumed" `pair`
// TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line


闭包是可以捕获封闭环境的函数。例如,捕获 x 变量的闭包:

|val| val + x



  • 在输入变量周围使用 || 而不是 ()
  • 单行表达式的可选主体定界 ( {} )(否则为强制)。
  • 捕获外部环境变量的能力。
fn main() {
let outer_var = 42;

// A regular function can't refer to variables in the enclosing environment
//fn function(i: i32) -> i32 { i + outer_var }
// TODO: uncomment the line above and see the compiler error. The compiler
// suggests that we define a closure instead.

// Closures are anonymous, here we are binding them to references.
// Annotation is identical to function annotation but is optional
// as are the `{}` wrapping the body. These nameless functions
// are assigned to appropriately named variables.
let closure_annotated = |i: i32| -> i32 { i + outer_var };
let closure_inferred = |i | i + outer_var ;

// Call the closures.
println!("closure_annotated: {}", closure_annotated(1));
println!("closure_inferred: {}", closure_inferred(1));
// Once closure's type has been inferred, it cannot be inferred again with another type.
//println!("cannot reuse closure_inferred with another type: {}", closure_inferred(42i64));
// TODO: uncomment the line above and see the compiler error.

// A closure taking no arguments which returns an `i32`.
// The return type is inferred.
let one = || 1;
println!("closure returning one: {}", one());



|参数列表| -> 返回值类型 {
// 函数体
let add = |x, y| -> i32 { // 有返回值
x + y
let run = |x| { // 没有返回值

let result = add(1, 2);
println!("{}", result); // 打印: 3


fn main() {
let s = String::from("Hello, world!");
let run = ||{
print!("{}", s); //闭包函数可以使用作用域内的值,而不用当做参数传进去



  • 参考: &T
  • 通过可变引用: &mut T
  • 按值: T


fn main() {
use std::mem;

let color = String::from("green");

// A closure to print `color` which immediately borrows (`&`) `color` and
// stores the borrow and closure in the `print` variable. It will remain
// borrowed until `print` is used the last time.
// `println!` only requires arguments by immutable reference so it doesn't
// impose anything more restrictive.
let print = || println!("`color`: {}", color);

// Call the closure using the borrow.

// `color` can be borrowed immutably again, because the closure only holds
// an immutable reference to `color`.
let _reborrow = &color;

// A move or reborrow is allowed after the final use of `print`
let _color_moved = color;

let mut count = 0;
// A closure to increment `count` could take either `&mut count` or `count`
// but `&mut count` is less restrictive so it takes that. Immediately
// borrows `count`.
// A `mut` is required on `inc` because a `&mut` is stored inside. Thus,
// calling the closure mutates `count` which requires a `mut`.
let mut inc = || {
count += 1;
println!("`count`: {}", count);

// Call the closure using a mutable borrow.

// The closure still mutably borrows `count` because it is called later.
// An attempt to reborrow will lead to an error.
// let _reborrow = &count;
// ^ TODO: try uncommenting this line.

// The closure no longer needs to borrow `&mut count`. Therefore, it is
// possible to reborrow without an error
let _count_reborrowed = &mut count;

// A non-copy type.
let movable = Box::new(3);

// `mem::drop` requires `T` so this must take by value. A copy type
// would copy into the closure leaving the original untouched.
// A non-copy must move and so `movable` immediately moves into
// the closure.
let consume = || {
println!("`movable`: {:?}", movable);

// `consume` consumes the variable so this can only be called once.
// consume();
// ^ TODO: Try uncommenting this line.
fn main() {
// `Vec` has non-copy semantics.
let haystack = vec![1, 2, 3];

let contains = move |needle| haystack.contains(needle);

println!("{}", contains(&1));
println!("{}", contains(&4));

// println!("There're {} elements in vec", haystack.len());
// ^ Uncommenting above line will result in compile-time error
// because borrow checker doesn't allow re-using variable after it
// has been moved.

// Removing `move` from closure's signature will cause closure
// to borrow _haystack_ variable immutably, hence _haystack_ is still
// available and uncommenting above line will not cause an error.


虽然 Rust 选择如何在没有类型注释的情况下动态捕获变量,但在编写函数时不允许这种歧义。当将闭包作为输入参数时,必须使用几个 traits 之一来注释闭包的完整类型,并且它们由闭包对捕获的值执行的操作确定。按照限制递减的顺序,它们是:

Fn :闭包通过引用使用捕获的值( &T ) FnMut :闭包通过可变引用使用捕获的值( &mut T ) FnOnce :闭包按值使用捕获的值 ( T ) 在逐个变量的基础上,编译器将以尽可能限制最少的方式捕获变量。

例如,考虑一个注释为 FnOnce 的参数。这指定闭包可以通过 &T 、 &mut T 或 T 捕获,但编译器最终将根据捕获的变量在闭包中的使用方式进行选择。

这是因为如果可以进行转移,那么任何类型的借用也应该是可能的。请注意,反之则不然。如果参数注释为 Fn ,则不允许通过 &mut T 或 T 捕获变量。但是, &T 是允许的。

在以下示例中,尝试交换 Fn 、 FnMut 和 FnOnce 的用法,看看会发生什么:

// A function which takes a closure as an argument and calls it.
// <F> denotes that F is a "Generic type parameter"
fn apply<F>(f: F) where
// The closure takes no input and returns nothing.
F: FnOnce() {
// ^ TODO: Try changing this to `Fn` or `FnMut`.


// A function which takes a closure and returns an `i32`.
fn apply_to_3<F>(f: F) -> i32 where
// The closure takes an `i32` and returns an `i32`.
F: Fn(i32) -> i32 {


fn main() {
use std::mem;

let greeting = "hello";
// A non-copy type.
// `to_owned` creates owned data from borrowed one
let mut farewell = "goodbye".to_owned();

// Capture 2 variables: `greeting` by reference and
// `farewell` by value.
let diary = || {
// `greeting` is by reference: requires `Fn`.
println!("I said {}.", greeting);

// Mutation forces `farewell` to be captured by
// mutable reference. Now requires `FnMut`.
println!("Then I screamed {}.", farewell);
println!("Now I can sleep. zzzzz");

// Manually calling drop forces `farewell` to
// be captured by value. Now requires `FnOnce`.

// Call the function which applies the closure.

// `double` satisfies `apply_to_3`'s trait bound
let double = |x| 2 * x;

println!("3 doubled: {}", apply_to_3(double));



// `F` must be generic.
fn apply<F>(f: F) where
F: FnOnce() {

定义闭包时,编译器会隐式创建一个新的匿名结构来存储捕获的变量,同时通过 traits 之一实现功能: Fn 、 FnMut 对于这种未知类型。该类型被分配给在调用之前存储的变量。

由于这种新类型是未知类型,因此函数中的任何使用都需要泛型。但是,无界类型参数 <T> 仍然是不明确的并且是不允许的。因此,以 traits : Fn 、 FnMut 或 FnOnce (它实现的)之一为界足以指定其类型。

// `F` must implement `Fn` for a closure which takes no
// inputs and returns nothing - exactly what is required
// for `print`.
fn apply<F>(f: F) where
F: Fn() {

fn main() {
let x = 7;

// Capture `x` into an anonymous type and implement
// `Fn` for it. Store it in `print`.
let print = || println!("{}", x);




// Define a function which takes a generic `F` argument
// bounded by `Fn`, and calls it
fn call_me<F: Fn()>(f: F) {

// Define a wrapper function satisfying the `Fn` bound
fn function() {
println!("I'm a function!");

fn main() {
// Define a closure satisfying the `Fn` bound
let closure = || println!("I'm a closure!");



闭包作为输入参数是可能的,因此返回闭包作为输出参数也应该是可能的。然而,根据定义,匿名闭包类型是未知的,因此我们必须使用 impl Trait 来返回它们。


  • Fn
  • FnMut
  • FnOnce

除此之外,必须使用 move 关键字,它表示所有捕获均按值进行。这是必需的,因为一旦函数退出,任何通过引用的捕获都会被删除,从而在闭包中留下无效的引用。

fn create_fn() -> impl Fn() {
let text = "Fn".to_owned();

move || println!("This is a: {}", text)

fn create_fnmut() -> impl FnMut() {
let text = "FnMut".to_owned();

move || println!("This is a: {}", text)

fn create_fnonce() -> impl FnOnce() {
let text = "FnOnce".to_owned();

move || println!("This is a: {}", text)

fn main() {
let fn_plain = create_fn();
let mut fn_mut = create_fnmut();
let fn_once = create_fnonce();



Iterator::any 是一个函数,当传递迭代器时,如果任何元素满足谓词,将返回 true 。否则 false 。它的签名:

pub trait Iterator {
// The type being iterated over.
type Item;

// `any` takes `&mut self` meaning the caller may be borrowed
// and modified, but not consumed.
fn any<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> bool where
// `FnMut` meaning any captured variable may at most be
// modified, not consumed. `Self::Item` states it takes
// arguments to the closure by value.
F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool;
fn main() {
let vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
let vec2 = vec![4, 5, 6];

// `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32`. Destructure to `i32`.
println!("2 in vec1: {}", vec1.iter() .any(|&x| x == 2));
// `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32`. No destructuring required.
println!("2 in vec2: {}", vec2.into_iter().any(|x| x == 2));

// `iter()` only borrows `vec1` and its elements, so they can be used again
println!("vec1 len: {}", vec1.len());
println!("First element of vec1 is: {}", vec1[0]);
// `into_iter()` does move `vec2` and its elements, so they cannot be used again
// println!("First element of vec2 is: {}", vec2[0]);
// println!("vec2 len: {}", vec2.len());
// TODO: uncomment two lines above and see compiler errors.

let array1 = [1, 2, 3];
let array2 = [4, 5, 6];

// `iter()` for arrays yields `&i32`.
println!("2 in array1: {}", array1.iter() .any(|&x| x == 2));
// `into_iter()` for arrays yields `i32`.
println!("2 in array2: {}", array2.into_iter().any(|x| x == 2));

Iterator::find 是一个迭代迭代器并搜索满足某些条件的第一个值的函数。如果没有一个值满足条件,则返回 None 。它的签名:

pub trait Iterator {
// The type being iterated over.
type Item;

// `find` takes `&mut self` meaning the caller may be borrowed
// and modified, but not consumed.
fn find<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Option<Self::Item> where
// `FnMut` meaning any captured variable may at most be
// modified, not consumed. `&Self::Item` states it takes
// arguments to the closure by reference.
P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool;
fn main() {
let vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
let vec2 = vec![4, 5, 6];

// `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32`.
let mut iter = vec1.iter();
// `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32`.
let mut into_iter = vec2.into_iter();

// `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32`, and we want to reference one of its
// items, so we have to destructure `&&i32` to `i32`
println!("Find 2 in vec1: {:?}", iter .find(|&&x| x == 2));
// `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32`, and we want to reference one of
// its items, so we have to destructure `&i32` to `i32`
println!("Find 2 in vec2: {:?}", into_iter.find(| &x| x == 2));

let array1 = [1, 2, 3];
let array2 = [4, 5, 6];

// `iter()` for arrays yields `&&i32`
println!("Find 2 in array1: {:?}", array1.iter() .find(|&&x| x == 2));
// `into_iter()` for arrays yields `&i32`
println!("Find 2 in array2: {:?}", array2.into_iter().find(|&x| x == 2));

Iterator::find 为您提供对该项目的引用。但如果您想要该项目的索引,请使用 Iterator::position 。

fn main() {
let vec = vec![1, 9, 3, 3, 13, 2];

// `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32` and `position()` does not take a reference, so
// we have to destructure `&i32` to `i32`
let index_of_first_even_number = vec.iter().position(|&x| x % 2 == 0);
assert_eq!(index_of_first_even_number, Some(5));

// `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32` and `position()` does not take a reference, so
// we do not have to destructure
let index_of_first_negative_number = vec.into_iter().position(|x| x < 0);
assert_eq!(index_of_first_negative_number, None);


Rust 提供高阶函数 (HOF)。这些函数采用一个或多个函数和/或产生更有用的函数。 HOF 和惰性迭代器赋予 Rust 函数式风格。

fn is_odd(n: u32) -> bool {
n % 2 == 1

fn main() {
println!("Find the sum of all the numbers with odd squares under 1000");
let upper = 1000;

// Imperative approach
// Declare accumulator variable
let mut acc = 0;
// Iterate: 0, 1, 2, ... to infinity
for n in 0.. {
// Square the number
let n_squared = n * n;

if n_squared >= upper {
// Break loop if exceeded the upper limit
} else if is_odd(n_squared) {
// Accumulate value, if it's odd
acc += n_squared;
println!("imperative style: {}", acc);

// Functional approach
let sum_of_squared_odd_numbers: u32 =
(0..).map(|n| n * n) // All natural numbers squared
.take_while(|&n_squared| n_squared < upper) // Below upper limit
.filter(|&n_squared| is_odd(n_squared)) // That are odd
.sum(); // Sum them
println!("functional style: {}", sum_of_squared_odd_numbers);


发散的函数永远不会返回。它们使用 ! 进行标记,这是一个空类型。

fn foo() -> ! {
panic!("This call never returns.");

与所有其他类型相反,该类型无法实例化,因为该类型可以具有的所有可能值的集合是空的。请注意,它与 () 类型不同,后者只有一个可能的值。


fn some_fn() {

fn main() {
let _a: () = some_fn();
println!("This function returns and you can see this line.");



fn main() {
let x: ! = panic!("This call never returns.");
println!("You will never see this line!");

尽管这看起来像是一个抽象的概念,但实际上它非常有用并且通常很方便。这种类型的主要优点是它可以转换为任何其他类型,因此可以在需要精确类型的地方使用,例如在 match 分支中。这允许我们编写如下代码:

fn main() {
fn sum_odd_numbers(up_to: u32) -> u32 {
let mut acc = 0;
for i in 0..up_to {
// Notice that the return type of this match expression must be u32
// because of the type of the "addition" variable.
let addition: u32 = match i%2 == 1 {
// The "i" variable is of type u32, which is perfectly fine.
true => i,
// On the other hand, the "continue" expression does not return
// u32, but it is still fine, because it never returns and therefore
// does not violate the type requirements of the match expression.
false => continue,
acc += addition;
println!("Sum of odd numbers up to 9 (excluding): {}", sum_odd_numbers(9));

它也是永远循环的函数(例如 loop )的返回类型,例如网络服务器或终止进程的函数(例如 exit() )。

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