



Rust 中的变量不仅仅是在堆栈中保存数据:它们还拥有资源,例如 Box<T> 拥有堆中的内存。 Rust 强制执行 RAII(资源获取即初始化),因此每当对象超出范围时,就会调用其析构函数并释放其拥有的资源。


// raii.rs
fn create_box() {
// Allocate an integer on the heap
let _box1 = Box::new(3i32);

// `_box1` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

fn main() {
// Allocate an integer on the heap
let _box2 = Box::new(5i32);

// A nested scope:
// Allocate an integer on the heap
let _box3 = Box::new(4i32);

// `_box3` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

// Creating lots of boxes just for fun
// There's no need to manually free memory!
for _ in 0u32..1_000 {

// `_box2` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

当然,我们可以使用 valgrind 仔细检查内存错误:

$ rustc raii.rs && valgrind ./raii
==26873== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==26873== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPLd, by Julian Seward et al.
==26873== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==26873== Command: ./raii
==26873== HEAP SUMMARY:
==26873== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==26873== total heap usage: 1,013 allocs, 1,013 frees, 8,696 bytes allocated
==26873== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==26873== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==26873== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 2 from 2)


fn main() {
let shadowed_binding = 1;

println!("before being shadowed: {}", shadowed_binding);

// This binding *shadows* the outer one
let shadowed_binding = "abc";

println!("shadowed in inner block: {}", shadowed_binding);
println!("outside inner block: {}", shadowed_binding);

// This binding *shadows* the previous binding
let shadowed_binding = 2;
println!("shadowed in outer block: {}", shadowed_binding);


fn main() {
let mut _mutable_integer = 7i32;

// Shadowing by immutable `_mutable_integer`
let _mutable_integer = _mutable_integer;

// Error! `_mutable_integer` is frozen in this scope
_mutable_integer = 50;
// FIXME ^ Comment out this line

// `_mutable_integer` goes out of scope

// Ok! `_mutable_integer` is not frozen in this scope
_mutable_integer = 3;


Rust 中析构函数的概念是通过 Drop 特征提供的。当资源超出范围时,将调用析构函数。不需要为每个类型实现此特征,仅当您需要自己的析构函数逻辑时才为您的类型实现它。

运行以下示例以查看 Drop 特征如何工作。当 main 函数中的变量超出范围时,将调用自定义析构函数。

struct ToDrop;

impl Drop for ToDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("ToDrop is being dropped");

fn main() {
let x = ToDrop;
println!("Made a ToDrop!");



以我们通过 & 借用变量的情况为例。借用的生命周期由声明它的位置决定。因此,只要借贷在贷方被消灭之前结束,借贷就是有效的。但是,借用的范围取决于引用的使用位置。


// Lifetimes are annotated below with lines denoting the creation
// and destruction of each variable.
// `i` has the longest lifetime because its scope entirely encloses
// both `borrow1` and `borrow2`. The duration of `borrow1` compared
// to `borrow2` is irrelevant since they are disjoint.
fn main() {
let i = 3; // Lifetime for `i` starts. ────────────────┐
// │
{ // │
let borrow1 = &i; // `borrow1` lifetime starts. ──┐│
// ││
println!("borrow1: {}", borrow1); // ││
} // `borrow1` ends. ─────────────────────────────────┘│
// │
// │
{ // │
let borrow2 = &i; // `borrow2` lifetime starts. ──┐│
// ││
println!("borrow2: {}", borrow2); // ││
} // `borrow2` ends. ─────────────────────────────────┘│
// │
} // Lifetime ends. ─────────────────────────────────────┘



借用检查器使用显式的生命周期注释来确定引用的有效时间。在没有省略生命周期 1 的情况下,Rust 需要显式注释来确定引用的生命周期应该是什么。显式注释生命周期的语法使用撇号字符,如下所示:

// `foo` has a lifetime parameter `'a`

与闭包类似,使用生命周期需要泛型。此外,此生命周期语法指示 foo 的生命周期不得超过 'a 的生命周期。类型的显式注释具有 &'a T 形式,其中已经引入了 'a 。


foo<'a, 'b>
// `foo` has lifetime parameters `'a` and `'b`

在这种情况下, foo 的生命周期不能超过 'a 或 'b 的生命周期。


// `print_refs` takes two references to `i32` which have different
// lifetimes `'a` and `'b`. These two lifetimes must both be at
// least as long as the function `print_refs`.
fn print_refs<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32) {
println!("x is {} and y is {}", x, y);

// A function which takes no arguments, but has a lifetime parameter `'a`.
fn failed_borrow<'a>() {
let _x = 12;

// ERROR: `_x` does not live long enough
let _y: &'a i32 = &_x;
// Attempting to use the lifetime `'a` as an explicit type annotation
// inside the function will fail because the lifetime of `&_x` is shorter
// than that of `_y`. A short lifetime cannot be coerced into a longer one.

fn main() {
// Create variables to be borrowed below.
let (four, nine) = (4, 9);

// Borrows (`&`) of both variables are passed into the function.
print_refs(&four, &nine);
// Any input which is borrowed must outlive the borrower.
// In other words, the lifetime of `four` and `nine` must
// be longer than that of `print_refs`.

// `failed_borrow` contains no references to force `'a` to be
// longer than the lifetime of the function, but `'a` is longer.
// Because the lifetime is never constrained, it defaults to `'static`.



任何引用都必须有注释的生命周期。 返回的任何引用必须与输入具有相同的生命周期或者是 static 。 此外,请注意,如果返回没有输入的引用会导致返回对无效数据的引用,则禁止返回引用。以下示例展示了具有生命周期的函数的一些有效形式:

// One input reference with lifetime `'a` which must live
// at least as long as the function.
fn print_one<'a>(x: &'a i32) {
println!("`print_one`: x is {}", x);

// Mutable references are possible with lifetimes as well.
fn add_one<'a>(x: &'a mut i32) {
*x += 1;

// Multiple elements with different lifetimes. In this case, it
// would be fine for both to have the same lifetime `'a`, but
// in more complex cases, different lifetimes may be required.
fn print_multi<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32) {
println!("`print_multi`: x is {}, y is {}", x, y);

// Returning references that have been passed in is acceptable.
// However, the correct lifetime must be returned.
fn pass_x<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, _: &'b i32) -> &'a i32 { x }

//fn invalid_output<'a>() -> &'a String { &String::from("foo") }
// The above is invalid: `'a` must live longer than the function.
// Here, `&String::from("foo")` would create a `String`, followed by a
// reference. Then the data is dropped upon exiting the scope, leaving
// a reference to invalid data to be returned.

fn main() {
let x = 7;
let y = 9;

print_multi(&x, &y);

let z = pass_x(&x, &y);

let mut t = 3;
add_one(&mut t);



struct Owner(i32);

impl Owner {
// Annotate lifetimes as in a standalone function.
fn add_one<'a>(&'a mut self) { self.0 += 1; }
fn print<'a>(&'a self) {
println!("`print`: {}", self.0);

fn main() {
let mut owner = Owner(18);




// A type `Borrowed` which houses a reference to an
// `i32`. The reference to `i32` must outlive `Borrowed`.
struct Borrowed<'a>(&'a i32);

// Similarly, both references here must outlive this structure.
struct NamedBorrowed<'a> {
x: &'a i32,
y: &'a i32,

// An enum which is either an `i32` or a reference to one.
enum Either<'a> {
Ref(&'a i32),

fn main() {
let x = 18;
let y = 15;

let single = Borrowed(&x);
let double = NamedBorrowed { x: &x, y: &y };
let reference = Either::Ref(&x);
let number = Either::Num(y);

println!("x is borrowed in {:?}", single);
println!("x and y are borrowed in {:?}", double);
println!("x is borrowed in {:?}", reference);
println!("y is *not* borrowed in {:?}", number);


Trait 方法中生命周期的注释基本上与函数类似。请注意, impl 也可能有生命周期注释。

// A struct with annotation of lifetimes.
struct Borrowed<'a> {
x: &'a i32,

// Annotate lifetimes to impl.
impl<'a> Default for Borrowed<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
x: &10,

fn main() {
let b: Borrowed = Default::default();
println!("b is {:?}", b);


就像泛型类型可以有界一样,生命周期(本身就是泛型)也使用界限。 : 字符在这里的含义略有不同,但 + 是相同的。请注意以下内容:

T: 'a : T 中的所有引用的生命周期必须超过 'a 。 T: Trait + 'a :类型 T 必须实现特征 Trait ,并且 T 中的所有引用都必须比 'a 更长寿。 下面的示例显示了关键字 where 之后使用的上述语法:

use std::fmt::Debug; // Trait to bound with.

struct Ref<'a, T: 'a>(&'a T);
// `Ref` contains a reference to a generic type `T` that has
// an unknown lifetime `'a`. `T` is bounded such that any
// *references* in `T` must outlive `'a`. Additionally, the lifetime
// of `Ref` may not exceed `'a`.

// A generic function which prints using the `Debug` trait.
fn print<T>(t: T) where
T: Debug {
println!("`print`: t is {:?}", t);

// Here a reference to `T` is taken where `T` implements
// `Debug` and all *references* in `T` outlive `'a`. In
// addition, `'a` must outlive the function.
fn print_ref<'a, T>(t: &'a T) where
T: Debug + 'a {
println!("`print_ref`: t is {:?}", t);

fn main() {
let x = 7;
let ref_x = Ref(&x);



Coercion 较长的生命周期可以被强制为较短的生命周期,以便它在通常无法工作的范围内工作。这以 Rust 编译器推断强制的形式出现,也以声明生命周期差异的形式出现:

// Here, Rust infers a lifetime that is as short as possible.
// The two references are then coerced to that lifetime.
fn multiply<'a>(first: &'a i32, second: &'a i32) -> i32 {
first * second

// `<'a: 'b, 'b>` reads as lifetime `'a` is at least as long as `'b`.
// Here, we take in an `&'a i32` and return a `&'b i32` as a result of coercion.
fn choose_first<'a: 'b, 'b>(first: &'a i32, _: &'b i32) -> &'b i32 {

fn main() {
let first = 2; // Longer lifetime

let second = 3; // Shorter lifetime

println!("The product is {}", multiply(&first, &second));
println!("{} is the first", choose_first(&first, &second));


Rust 有一些保留的生命周期名称。其中之一是 'static 。您可能会在两种情况下遇到它:

// A reference with 'static lifetime:
let s: &'static str = "hello world";

// 'static as part of a trait bound:
fn generic<T>(x: T) where T: 'static {}

两者相关但略有不同,这是学习 Rust 时容易混淆的一个常见原因。以下是每种情况的一些示例:

作为引用生命周期 'static 表示引用指向的数据在正在运行的程序的剩余生命周期内有效。它仍然可以被强制缩短寿命。

有两种常见的方法可以使变量具有 'static 生命周期,并且都存储在二进制文件的只读内存中:

使用 static 声明创建一个常量。 创建一个 string 文字,其类型为: &'static str 。 请参阅以下示例了解每种方法的显示:

// Make a constant with `'static` lifetime.
static NUM: i32 = 18;

// Returns a reference to `NUM` where its `'static`
// lifetime is coerced to that of the input argument.
fn coerce_static<'a>(_: &'a i32) -> &'a i32 {

fn main() {
// Make a `string` literal and print it:
let static_string = "I'm in read-only memory";
println!("static_string: {}", static_string);

// When `static_string` goes out of scope, the reference
// can no longer be used, but the data remains in the binary.

// Make an integer to use for `coerce_static`:
let lifetime_num = 9;

// Coerce `NUM` to lifetime of `lifetime_num`:
let coerced_static = coerce_static(&lifetime_num);

println!("coerced_static: {}", coerced_static);

println!("NUM: {} stays accessible!", NUM);

由于 'static 引用只需在程序生命周期的剩余时间内有效,因此可以在程序执行时创建它们。只是为了演示,下面的示例使用 Box::leak 动态创建 'static 引用。在这种情况下,它肯定不会在整个持续时间内都存在,而只会在泄漏点之后存在。

extern crate rand;
use rand::Fill;

fn random_vec() -> &'static [usize; 100] {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut boxed = Box::new([0; 100]);
boxed.try_fill(&mut rng).unwrap();

fn main() {
let first: &'static [usize; 100] = random_vec();
let second: &'static [usize; 100] = random_vec();
assert_ne!(first, second)


重要的是要理解这意味着任何拥有的数据总是通过 'static 生命周期界限,但对该拥有的数据的引用通常不会:

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn print_it( input: impl Debug + 'static ) {
println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input );

fn main() {
// i is owned and contains no references, thus it's 'static:
let i = 5;

// oops, &i only has the lifetime defined by the scope of
// main(), so it's not 'static:


error[E0597]: `i` does not live long enough
--> src/lib.rs:15:15
15 | print_it(&i);
| ---------^^--
| | |
| | borrowed value does not live long enough
| argument requires that `i` is borrowed for `'static`
16 | }
| - `i` dropped here while still borrowed


一些生命周期模式非常常见,因此借用检查器将允许您省略它们以节省打字并提高可读性。这称为省略。 Rust 中存在省略只是因为这些模式很常见。


// `elided_input` and `annotated_input` essentially have identical signatures
// because the lifetime of `elided_input` is inferred by the compiler:
fn elided_input(x: &i32) {
println!("`elided_input`: {}", x);

fn annotated_input<'a>(x: &'a i32) {
println!("`annotated_input`: {}", x);

// Similarly, `elided_pass` and `annotated_pass` have identical signatures
// because the lifetime is added implicitly to `elided_pass`:
fn elided_pass(x: &i32) -> &i32 { x }

fn annotated_pass<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> &'a i32 { x }

fn main() {
let x = 3;


println!("`elided_pass`: {}", elided_pass(&x));
println!("`annotated_pass`: {}", annotated_pass(&x));

生命周期可以定义为一个引用所能持续的范围,是编译器用于预防悬垂引用(在对应的值已经被析构后仍被使用)的方式。这在 Rust 中特别重要,因为 Rust 放弃了垃圾收集器并选择手动管理内存。

大部分情况下,rust 编译器可以自动识别引用的生命周期,判断悬垂引用,但是还有一些情况需要我们使用生命周期标注来告诉编译器。

生命周期标注语法 生命周期的基本标记是 'a,其中 a 可以是任何有效的 Rust 标识符。此标记用于注解有生命周期的元素。比如引用类型的生命周期,如 &'a T。这表示这个引用的生命周期至少和 'a 一样长。

fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
if x.len() > y.len() {
} else {

&'static 对于生命周期有着非常强的要求:一个引用必须要活得跟剩下的程序一样久,才能被标注为 &'static

&'static 和 T: 'static

Rust 的难点之一就在于它有不少容易混淆的概念,例如 &strstrString, 再比如本文标题那两位。不过与字符串也有不同,这两位对于普通用户来说往往是无需进行区分的,但是当大家想要深入学习或使用 Rust 时,它们就会成为成功路上的拦路虎了。

与生命周期的其它章节不同,本文短小精悍,阅读过程可谓相当轻松愉快,话不多说,let's go。

'static 在 Rust 中是相当常见的,例如字符串字面值就具有 'static 生命周期:

fn main() {
let mark_twain: &str = "Samuel Clemens";
fn print_author(author: &'static str) {
println!("{}", author);

除此之外,特征对象的生命周期也是 'static,例如这里所提到的。

除了 &'static 的用法外,我们在另外一种场景中也可以见到 'static 的使用:

use std::fmt::Display;
fn main() {
let mark_twain = "Samuel Clemens";

fn print<T: Display + 'static>(message: &T) {
println!("{}", message);

在这里,很明显 'static 是作为生命周期约束来使用了。 那么问题来了, &'staticT: 'static 的用法到底有何区别?


&'static 对于生命周期有着非常强的要求:一个引用必须要活得跟剩下的程序一样久,才能被标注为 &'static

对于字符串字面量来说,它直接被打包到二进制文件中,永远不会被 drop,因此它能跟程序活得一样久,自然它的生命周期是 'static

但是,&'static 生命周期针对的仅仅是引用,而不是持有该引用的变量,对于变量来说,还是要遵循相应的作用域规则 :

use std::{slice::from_raw_parts, str::from_utf8_unchecked};

fn get_memory_location() -> (usize, usize) {
// “Hello World” 是字符串字面量,因此它的生命周期是 `'static`.
// 但持有它的变量 `string` 的生命周期就不一样了,它完全取决于变量作用域,对于该例子来说,也就是当前的函数范围
let string = "Hello World!";
let pointer = string.as_ptr() as usize;
let length = string.len();
(pointer, length)
// `string` 在这里被 drop 释放
// 虽然变量被释放,无法再被访问,但是数据依然还会继续存活

fn get_str_at_location(pointer: usize, length: usize) -> &'static str {
// 使用裸指针需要 `unsafe{}` 语句块
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(from_raw_parts(pointer as *const u8, length)) }

fn main() {
let (pointer, length) = get_memory_location();
let message = get_str_at_location(pointer, length);
"The {} bytes at 0x{:X} stored: {}",
length, pointer, message
// 如果大家想知道为何处理裸指针需要 `unsafe`,可以试着反注释以下代码
// let message = get_str_at_location(1000, 10);


  • &'static 的引用确实可以和程序活得一样久,因为我们通过 get_str_at_location 函数直接取到了对应的字符串

  • 持有 &'static 引用的变量,它的生命周期受到作用域的限制,大家务必不要搞混了

[T: 'static](https://course.rs/advance/lifetime/static.html#t-static)


首先,在以下两种情况下,T: 'static&'static 有相同的约束:T 必须活得和程序一样久。

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn print_it<T: Debug + 'static>( input: T) {
println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input );

fn print_it1( input: impl Debug + 'static ) {
println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input );

fn main() {
let i = 5;


以上代码会报错,原因很简单: &i 的生命周期无法满足 'static 的约束,如果大家将 i 修改为常量,那自然一切 OK。

见证奇迹的时候,请不要眨眼,现在我们来稍微修改下 print_it 函数:

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn print_it<T: Debug + 'static>( input: &T) {
println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input );

fn main() {
let i = 5;


这段代码竟然不报错了!原因在于我们约束的是 T,但是使用的却是它的引用 &T,换而言之,我们根本没有直接使用 T,因此编译器就没有去检查 T 的生命周期约束!它只要确保 &T 的生命周期符合规则即可,在上面代码中,它自然是符合的。


use std::fmt::Display;

fn main() {
let r1;
let r2;
static STATIC_EXAMPLE: i32 = 42;
let x = "&'static str";
r2 = x;
// r1 和 r2 持有的数据都是 'static 的,因此在花括号结束后,并不会被释放

println!("&'static i32: {}", r1); // -> 42
println!("&'static str: {}", r2); // -> &'static str

let r3: &str;

let s1 = "String".to_string();

// s1 虽然没有 'static 生命周期,但是它依然可以满足 T: 'static 的约束
// 充分说明这个约束是多么的弱。。

// s1 是 String 类型,没有 'static 的生命周期,因此下面代码会报错
r3 = &s1;

// s1 在这里被 drop
println!("{}", r3);

fn static_bound<T: Display + 'static>(t: &T) {
println!("{}", t);

static 到底针对谁?

大家有没有想过,到底是 &'static 这个引用还是该引用指向的数据活得跟程序一样久呢?


fn main() {
let static_string = "I'm in read-only memory";
println!("static_string: {}", static_string);

// 当 `static_string` 超出作用域时,该引用不能再被使用,但是数据依然会存在于 binary 所占用的内存中

println!("static_string reference remains alive: {}", static_string);

以上代码不出所料会报错,原因在于虽然字符串字面量 "I'm in read-only memory" 的生命周期是 'static,但是持有它的引用并不是,它的作用域在内部花括号 } 处就结束了。


Rust By Practice,支持代码在线编辑和运行,并提供详细的习题解答。(本节暂无习题解答)


总之, &'staticT: 'static 大体上相似,相比起来,后者的使用形式会更加复杂一些。

至此,相信大家对于 'staticT: 'static 也有了清晰的理解,那么我们应该如何使用它们呢?


  • 如果你需要添加 &'static 来让代码工作,那很可能是设计上出问题了

  • 如果你希望满足和取悦编译器,那就使用 T: 'static,很多时候它都能解决问题

一个小知识,在 Rust 标准库中,有 48 处用到了 &'static ,112 处用到了 T: 'static ,看来取悦编译器不仅仅是菜鸟需要的,高手也经常用到 :)

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