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arthur schopenhauer

  1. wealth has little effect on promoting emotional pleasure, while health can paly a major role.
  2. the luckiest people in the world are undoubtedly those with rich and outstanding personalities, especially those with profound thoughts.


  1. you are just here to experience life
    you can't own anything
    you can't keep anything
    you don't need to prove anything
    and there is nothing that must be achieved
    what you can do is
    to keep trying, harvesting, feeling
    and letting go
  2. don't walk barefoot on this grass. My garden is littered with stars
  3. dare and the world always yields.
  4. the first step to becoming strong, is to kill all the fears in your heart.
    Humans are only given an average of 70 years. all return to nothingness. There's nothing to be afraid of.
    If you have a good idea just go for it.
    The second step to being strong,is to develop the habit of deep thinking.
    Don't just work hard. What really matters in achieving great things is wisdom.
    it's the brain that counts, not just hard work.
    The third step to becoming strong is not to obsess or be too serious.
    In this world, many people cannot be simply divided into good or bad and many thins do not have a single standard answer.
    If you obsess and get too serious, it will not only cause serious internal friction Has no positive effect on the matter itself.


  1. It's a sad truth that those who shine brightest often burn fastest.

charles dickens

  1. i wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul


——托马斯 · 爱德华 · 劳伦斯在电影《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》中如是说

Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. —— Neil Gaiman, Coraline






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